Would you know if you had a Carbon Monoxide leak in your home? The chances are you wouldn't and this is why...

Becci Harris

by Becci Harris

Posted in News, Uncategorized on Sep 05, 2017

Many of us have no idea about the dangers of Carbon Monoxide in the home.  The truth is that anyone who has gas appliances in their home is at risk of Carbon Monoxide and should be aware of what to look out for.  In this handy blog, we tell you how to spot a carbon monoxide leak and make you aware of the physical symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

The first thing you should know about Carbon Monoxide is that you can't see it, taste it or smell it, yet it can be deadly! Carbon Monoxide (or CO as it is sometimes known) is produced by the incomplete burning of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). This happens when a gas appliance has been incorrectly fitted, badly repaired or poorly maintained. It can also occur if flues, chimneys or vents are blocked.

Check your home for warning signs which include:

  • Flames of a lazy yellow or orange colour on your gas hob, rather than being a crisp blue
  • Dark staining on/around appliances
  • Pilot light that frequently blows out
  • Increased condensation inside windows

If you do suspect Carbon Monoxide in your home, contact a Gas Safe Registered Engineer immediately.  

Having your gas appliances checked regularly is vital! 

You should also be aware of the symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning which can be similar to flu.  The six main symptoms to look out for are:






Loss of consciousness

Looking after your gas appliances is vital in keeping your family safe from the risks of Carbon Monoxide. You should have your gas appliances checked and serviced at least once a year to ensure these are working safely and efficiently.  You can also purchase Carbon Monoxide detectors from most major retail outlets and DIY stores for around £15.  An audible CO alarm will alert you to the presence of the poisonous gas in your home and although these are no substitute for having your appliances serviced and checked regularly, these are strongly recommended as a second line of defence.  

For a trusted, reliable, gas safe registered engineer to come and check your gas appliances, contact Harris Heating on 0113 250 53 75 or visit our website.